Holy Quran Shaneel Jahaiz Gold 11KV-Gold

SKU: 11KV-Gold

Size: 63.50 x 44.45 x 8.89 CM
Paper Quality: Select
Sale price Rs.1,844.00


The Holy Quran Shaneel Jahaiz Gold is a beautifully crafted edition of the Holy Quran that stands out due to its luxurious design and superior quality. This special edition is specifically tailored for gifting during significant events such as weddings, particularly as part of the bride dowry or jahaiz. The attention to detail in its creation is evident, making it a cherished keepsake that not only holds deep spiritual significance but also exemplifies exquisite craftsmanship.The Quran is bound in high-quality shaneel, a rich velvet-like fabric, which provides a soft and elegant touch. The cover is adorned with intricate gold embellishments, adding a regal and sophisticated aesthetic. These gold accents may include intricate patterns, calligraphy, and perhaps even embellishments around the border, making the Quran a visual masterpiece. The gold detailing is not merely ornamental. it symbolizes the preciousness and sanctity of the text within.Inside, the Quran features high-quality, durable pages that ensure longevity, allowing it to be a lasting gift passed down through generations. The text is printed in clear, legible script, often accompanied by elegant floral or geometric borders that enhance the reading experience without distracting from the holy text. Some editions may also include a ribbon bookmark, allowing readers to easily keep their place.The Holy Quran Shaneel Jahaiz Gold edition often comes in a specially designed box, which not only protects the Quran but also adds to its presentation value. This box might be lined with satin or silk, further emphasizing the luxurious nature of the gift. It ensures that the Quran remains in pristine condition and can be displayed with pride.Beyond its physical beauty, this edition of the Quran holds immense spiritual value. It serves as a constant reminder of faith, devotion, and the spiritual journey that the recipient embarks upon. For a bride, receiving this as part of her jahaiz symbolizes the importance of spiritual guidance and blessings as she begins a new chapter in her life.In essence, the Holy Quran Shaneel Jahaiz Gold is more than just a religious text. it is a work of art and a treasured gift. It merges faith with elegance, making it a perfect choice for special occasions that require a touch of opulence and reverence. This edition not only elevates the act of reading the Quran but also serves as a beautiful symbol of the timeless and sacred nature of its teachings.

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