Surha Nuh Translated 323-2KC

SKU: 323-2KC

Size: 25.40 x 19.05 x 0.00 CM
Paper Quality: Art Paper
Sale price Rs.63.00


Surah Nuh is the 71st chapter of the Quran, composed of 28 verses. It recounts the story of the Prophet Noah (Nuh) and his mission to his people, who persisted in disbelief despite his earnest calls to worship Allah alone and abandon their idolatrous practices. The surah serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of rejecting prophetic guidance and the importance of steadfastness in faith.
The surah begins with Prophet Nuh addressing his people, urging them to worship Allah and warning them of the impending punishment if they continue in their disobedience. He reminds them of Allah blessings upon them, citing examples of rain and vegetation as signs of His mercy and power.
Despite Nuh sincere efforts and patient preaching over centuries, only a few believed in him and followed his message. The majority of his people mocked and ridiculed him, dismissing his warnings and challenging him to bring forth the punishment he foretold.
In response, Nuh prays to Allah for help and guidance, seeking divine intervention against his obstinate people. Allah responds to his prayer by commanding him to build an ark and to take believers along with pairs of every creature, as a flood is destined to engulf the disbelievers as a punishment for their persistent rejection.
The surah vividly describes the catastrophic flood that overwhelms the land, sparing only those who believed and followed Nuh guidance. The disbelievers, including Nuh own son who refused to board the ark, are drowned, demonstrating the severe consequences of rejecting Allah warnings and failing to heed the call to repentance.
Surah Nuh serves as a profound lesson on the importance of faith, patience, and perseverance in the face of adversity. It highlights the duty of prophets to convey Allah message faithfully and the responsibility of individuals to respond to divine guidance with humility and obedience.
The surah concludes with a reminder of Allah mercy and forgiveness for those who repent sincerely and follow the path of righteousness. It underscores the ultimate accountability of every soul on the Day of Judgment, where deeds will be weighed and rewarded accordingly.
Surah Nuh thus stands as a timeless testament to the struggles of prophets, the consequences of disbelief, and the enduring mercy of Allah for those who turn to Him in sincere repentance and faith.

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